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Showing posts from June, 2018

Weight Loss: Setting Goals

SMART goals in weight loss I am going through a post on some how a lady by the name Valerie lost weight with Phenq and it occurs to me that if I am to achieve this rules, I need to have goals. Once I do so, I will be able to keep track of everything weight loss Just like any other objective, weight loss is something that needs goal setting. And I like stressing on the importance of making smart goals as pointed out by WebMd So, what are SMART goals in weight loss S- Specific-- you have to set a goal on the target number of pounds that you want to lose by a certain period of time. Let's say for example that I want to lose 20lbs in one month. Note that my goal is not losing some weight in one month or over time. No, I specifically will lose 20lbs in 1 month. M- Measurable--any goal needs to be measurable. If I want to lose the 20lbs in 1 month, I need to track my weight as of now and see what I weigh so far, after a week and so on till the month ends. A-Attainable...